Five Goals for 2025
Can you believe we are nearly at the end of the first month of 2025 already !
There is something about the start of a new year, don’t you think? I always feel slightly excited about the possibilities, the surprises and the opportunities that might lie ahead. I am not in the habit of making New Year's resolutions, but I can't help but reflect on the year that passed and think about what I’d love the new year to bring. Mostly though, I find myself forgetting about my plans and ideas, slipping back into my usual routine.
~ This post took on a life of its own, so you might need a cup of tea and a comfy chair. ~
Towards the end of last year, I felt a stronger need than usual to make some changes to my everyday. There are some things and routines I want to change, and I need to find ways to tackle certain things differently. I am kind of excited to start making some changes! To make my day-to-day flow more smoothly, I have a few bad habits that I would like to tackle, and I feel I need to rethink how I manage different parts of my daily routine. As usual, I had not taken the time to sit down and put into words exactly what I wanted the upcoming year to look like. My thoughts were just a jumble in my head, and I had a gut feeling that, for once, I needed to do something about it. But what? and How?
During New Year, my niece read her list of things she would like to achieve in 2025. It was quite inspiring. It made me think that setting a goal is so much more positive than a resolution. It is something to work towards rather than beating yourself up about something you feel you have been doing wrong or need to do better.
I love a good list!
It prompted me to think harder about the way I was feeling, and why and how I might work towards a few new goals. Making my initial list of things I would like to achieve in 2025 was relatively easy, but I ended up with a very long list—way too long! If I am to do this, I need to keep it real and realistic in order to make it achievable. With that in mind, I have narrowed my very long list down to Five Goals.
The overriding theme for my list of goals in 2025 is that I want to get better at feeling less busy. I want to feel less like I am constantly chasing my own tail. I want to have time to breathe, play a bit, and smell the roses. To have a goal is one thing, but to make it happen or work towards it is a whole different ball game. I really want to work towards these changes but to do that, I need to figure out 1) why I have set each goal and 2) how I possibly try and achieve it.
My list is done and I have started acting on some points already. But to make it real, to continue to remind myself to try and to hold myself accountable, I have decided to share it here—out in public. It’s a little scary but…
… here we go …
1 ~ Get off my phone
(… and other screens) I have been spending an increasing amount of time aimlessly and mindlessly scrolling around on social media and mindless websites. I can’t bear to think about how many hours I have wasted in the past year, staring meaninglessly at a screen!
Although I am not particularly good at it, I need social media for my work. The problem is that I get sidetracked way too easily and fall into the bottomless pit of flicking through reels and videos of stuff that, when I think about it, is idiotic, non-important, useless, completely irrelevant and a complete waste of my time and energy.
I am too bad during the day. I usually keep busy and have things I want or need to do. But I am terrible at night! I never have my phone in the bedroom, but even so, I go to put it in the kitchen on charge and a ‘I will just quickly check…’ much too often leads to a late night and not enough good sleep. I hate to admit it, but I can’t control it, and I know I have to take drastic measures to stop it. I need help to block myself to stop mindless scrolling.
There are apps for most things, so I figured there must be an App. Quite ironic isn’t it? An App to block Apps…!
Turns out there are quite a few. After reading a couple of recommendations, I have ended up downloading one called Freedom. (Freedom from my own bad habit?). It is still new to me, but what I like about it is that it allows me to choose what, when and for how long I choose to block specific apps and websites. I can set automatic reoccurring blocks of time and start a short session when I need to get something done and don’t want any distractions. It works across my phone and computers, and the ‘good news’ is that once a block is activated – there is no way of getting around it. No sneaking a ‘quick look’ anywhere.
I am still new to it, but I hope it will help me spend less time in the social media rabbit hole.
2 ~ Be on time
It sounds simple, right? I am rarely late, but I am NEVER early with anything. I am a champion at leaving things to the last minute—a bit of a ‘last-minute-Larry’. The fact that I have years of self-inflicted experience in working efficiently under pressure doesn’t mean I like it. I wish, I was one of those people who have tasks completed comfortably and with a bit of time to spare—it NEVER happens.
I don’t work haphazardly - but I do jump between projects and tasks. I tend to have piles of WIPs (Work in Progress) everywhere. I might be the queen of piling systems, but I always know exactly where everything is. However, I am not as good at having multiple things on the go as I used to, and I am starting to think it actually might make everything take longer.
It is hard to change old habits, and I know this will be a tough habit to break or even improve. I am not entirely sure how I will do it. Leaving things to the last minute is almost part of my genetic makeup. As I mentioned in the beginning, I love a good list! I am good at writing to-do lists and planning what I need to do and when I need it done. I also know I tend to get things done more efficiently if I can tick something off a list. However, a list, plan, or schedule is only useful if you stick to it.
So this is what I want to start doing—or rather stop doing: Continuously add extra items to my ‘plan’ or to-do lists. I want to get better at keeping what I need to do realistic and doable. For that to happen, I need to get better at saying “No”. Mostly to myself.
I also need to clear some piles. For that to happen, I plan to finish more and start less. In theory, that will mean, I have less PHD’s (Projects Half Done) by the end of the year.
If I can start having just some projects or jobs done with a day or two to spare, I will be really happy.
3 ~ Rediscover Creativity & Inspiration
When you are running a creative business, it is easy to push personal creative pursuits aside to keep the business wheels turning. Although I am never short on ideas for creating embroidery designs for classes and kits, I am starting to feel personally less inspired and creative. I have become more and more aware that I need to give myself time for my own creativity if I am going to continue to enjoy this creative life and not burn out.
Some years ago, I sat next to a lady at a dinner during a needlework convention. She was a retired accountant who was now volunteering at an emerging artist centre. She shared with me, her first and number one piece of advice to emerging artists trying to make a living from their art: "You are unlikely to have more than one creative day a week. Start by aiming for half a day a week, and if all goes well, you might reach a full day. Anything more than that is a luxury that few creatives ever experience." It is sad but true. It is a bit of an oxymoron: You need to be creative to run a creative business - yet creativity is often the first thing to get sacrificed.
It is not so much finding inspiration as finding (or making) the time to give that inspiration a creative outlet that I am having trouble with. I still get a surge of energy when inspiration finds me and a new idea suddenly starts to take shape in my head, But sadly, I rarely find time to act on it and by the time I do, the excitement has mellowed. I have tried to make or take time for creative days before, but too often, they have been taken up by work-related creativity.
My creative time can be many things: Going for a walk and taking time to properly enjoy what is around me, Making doodles, or doing a ‘proper’ drawing - on paper! Spending time at a gallery or museum. Moving plants around in my garden or making something special for someone.
This year, I will allocate one full day a fortnight to finding inspiration and creating for myself. It may not sound like much, but one day every two weeks is realistic and doable. It will give me something to look forward to. I will put all else aside that day and spend it with my creative date. I will draw, stitch and make just for me, just for the pleasure of creating, just because I can. In 2025, every second Tuesday is my day. I have no idea what I will start with but Oh, I can’t wait.
I will also start carrying a sketchbook again. I haven’t done that in years.
I don’t want to fail on this one, and should I manage the luxury of finding more time, then that is just a bonus.
“Don’t wait for Inspiration - It comes while working” ~ Henri Matisse
'Before Dawn' 2019 by Anna Scott
4 ~ play more, Work less
“We don’t stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing” ~ George Bernard Shaw
I find it easy to get caught up in all the ‘important’ stuff that needs doing every day. Both at work and around home in general. But, if there is one thing that the last few years have taught me, it is that life is short, and I want to make the most of it. But it is a balance, isn’t it? If you play too much, there is not enough time for what needs doing, and then that becomes stressful.
In the big scheme of things, I think I am doing ok on this point. I have discovered that I am better at not feeling guilty when I am active. I am pretty good at relaxing my mind when I walk the Tilly dog, thinking about nothing and everything. However, I would like to get better at not feeling guilty for having ‘play time’. I need to try and shed that little knot in my belly that tells me I should be doing something important.
I have always been active and healthy but never particularly sporty. However, I have only recently discovered that I actually enjoy a good workout. I think I would like to take up a social sport this year. Swimming, perhaps? It would be good for my neck, back, and shoulders. Or badminton? I played it a bit as a child and enjoyed running around after a cone of feathers. I have also often thought about taking up horse riding again. I did dressage and show jumping (with a rather hopeless pony that I loved to bits) when I was growing up and have always wanted to ride again. I am away most of February and will decide what to do when I get back.
I want to plant a pear tree. The garden is my Go-To for time out. Getting my hands in the dirt makes me feel so good and is the best remedy when I need to breathe.
I would like to knit a jumper for each of the grandchildren—that is five jumpers! Two of them might be tiny, but still. I know if I set that as a goal, it is likely to feel like work—not because I don’t want to do it, but because it is not realistic. So, I want to knit but let’s not put a number on it. I have some very cute buttons that I bought a little while back to use on a cardigan for Sloane - I will start with that one. Make it for her birthday in August.
Read five books. I am not much of a reader, but I really enjoy a good book. With all the screen time I will save I will have plenty of time to read.
I want to do more stitch-play. I have embroidered a number of little ‘doodle pieces’ over the years. It is one of my favourite ways to embroider. There is no planning; I just allow the stitches to come to life under my threads and needle. It doesn’t matter if the finished piece is any ‘good’ or not, and I always find that I have learned something along the way. I have decided to do One Piece every month this year using the colour prompts #coloricombo. This is one goal I have already started working on, and I talked more about it in my previous post.
5 ~ Stay in Touch
1) I enjoy spending time alone and am quite comfortable in my own company—sometimes probably too content. I am really, really bad at keeping in touch with friends and family—bad at remembering to just check in. I also love being with people. That is one of the reasons why I enjoy teaching so much. Since being on my own, I have been a little better at making an effort to get out of the house, but I know there is still room for improvement.
2) Many of you have followed and supported my stitching journey since I hesitantly and nervously set out on my own more than 10 years ago. I am so very grateful. Without you, I would not be able to do what I do. I feel that I have been really bad at connecting with all of you regularly.
1) I want to engage with people through a shared interest. Don’t get me wrong—I enjoy a good chat and coffee or dinner catch-up as much as anyone, but I also like a good working bee, the pleasure of working on something as part of a group. I have a few ideas, and if I can get started on just one, I will be happy.
There is a very active community garden not far from where I live. I love getting my hands in the dirt, and every time I go past, I think about joining in. This year, I will give it a go. I figure it will serve several purposes: meeting new people, pottering around outside, and picking up hints, tips, and ideas for my own garden.
2) I want to start writing regularly in my Journal again. I used to enjoy posting on the Old Blog, but for various reasons it became less and less until I completely stopped. I revisited the idea of picking up my writing around this time last year, but it didn’t amount to much – why? Most likely becasue I didn’t keep myself accountable, didn’t have a plan and quickly got too busy to think about it. It is silly because I enjoy journalling. It makes me happy!
I have realised that for my Journalling to happen, I need to plan and actively allocate time. This one is important to me, and I have made a start on this already. I have started to plan ahead, have allocated time each week to writing, and have started posting regularly. My goal is a post every two out of four weeks with a Newsletter summing up what is happening in between.
This goal is one where you will directly be able to follow how well (or not) I manage to achieve it.
If you have any suggestions, please Get In Touch.
That’s it - Five goals I would like to work towards achieving this year.
In previous years, I have picked a single word to focus on, and that has been both fun and empowering. If I am to pick One Little Word for 2025, it will be “ONE”. I can be such a scatterbrain and “ONE” will remind me to focus on “One” thing at a time, Finish “One” thing at a time and Paying attention to “One” moment at a time.
Thank you for making it to the end.
Anna XX