It Starts with an idea…
… or in my case; Revisiting an Old Idea: my Old Blog.
I retired the Old Blog almost two years ago. It was a difficult time and I thought it would be better to send out Newsletters and pop pictures on Instagram regularly. If you have been following and supporting my work for a little while, you will know that neither of those two has been happening. The Newsletter thing feels way too serious and structured and I am not a fan of posting on Instagram - it is just not me. The blog felt like home.
So while I was sick with Covid (and bored) a few weeks back, I visited the Old Blog, browsing through it and reminiscing about chit-chatting about what I was doing: Sometimes serious embroidery business, sometimes what happened around home, sometimes hints on how I do things, sometimes snippets from the everyday. There is a lot of ‘stuff’ there.
Scrolling through the posts, made me want to write like that again. Share what I am up to with those who feel like reading along and have a spot to jot down what is happening in and around my embroidering world.
I started playing around with the Old Blog a bit, thinking about reviving it but things have changed a lot since I set it up it now felt rather cumbersome. Besides, sometimes it is just nice to start fresh, isn’t it?
One thing led to another… looking for a new place to host my Journal, I came across a way to do it that would also accommodate my website. The thought of having everything in one spot was very tempting… but did I really want to revamp everything? It is a rather big job and I am no IT expert. The thing is though, I have never liked the way my website was set up. It was recommended by the person who did it for me a few years ago, but the website and I never really got along.
And so it all began. Again… To start a new Journal, I revamped and moved my whole website - I must be nuts! I have so many, much more exciting things I need to do. But it feels right, now that it is done.
This revised website is much simpler. It already feels like home and I hope you like it as much as I do.
One of the main differences is that (for now) the shop will go through the Etsy Checkout. It means only one shop to keep track of, which should make things a little easier for me. I have set up a coupon code for you to use when you shop via the website. Simply Copy & Paste the coupon code ASEVISIT and get 10% off any kit at the Etsy Checkout.
There is still a lot of things I would like to do and improve so this website will slowly evolve.
But for now, I have to set my IT hat aside for a bit. This week will be busy; My ‘baby’ boy is getting married on Friday and I need to get on with some real business: Stitching!
Best Stitches until next time,
Anna x